
What it will cost you to setup an oil palm plantation.

Do you know you can start a small oil palm plantation now with even one acre of land with the aim of expanding later.?

With Our 100% guaranteed IMPROVED SEEDLINGS that starts producing from a maximum of 3yrs after planting, you’re fully assured to get the exact estimated returns sited at the end of this post.
Note: From when it starts producing, Each harvest takes place every 2weeks and the process is continued till the palm tree reaches it maximum lifespan.(minimum 45yrs)

*Below is an Estimated Analysis to Establish a “10 Acres Oil Palm Plantation”

From the 4th year of production, AN ANNUAL NET INCOME of 50 Million Naira can be realized from the plantation after removing expenses for the next 40-57years.

Estimated as follows:
*Land Acquisition(N1,600,000 per acre)=N16,000,000
*Land Clearing/smooth Preparation =N900,000
*Matured Improved Seedlings Procurement🌴
We have two species of the oil palm seedlings.
1: The “Hybrid Tenera specie” and
2: The “Malaysian supergene specie”.

  • Each of our hybrid tenera palms cost 1,000 Naira.(it starts producing from 3yrs) with a production of 5-15 bunches per stand, depending on how you maintain them.
  • Each of our Malaysian supergene specie cost 3000 Naira (starts producing from 2yrs and 6months) with a production of 12-45 bunches per Stand, depending on how you maintain them. For this analysis, We will be making use of the MALAYSIAN SUPERGENE SPECIE.

Using standard spacing measurement of 9m triangular, each acre contains 60palms.
60 palms seedlings per acre (600x N3000) =N2,525,000.

*The 10acres will require 5 bundles of wire-collar for protection against animal attacks.
Each bundles cost N45,000
5 bundles =N225,000.

*Professional mapping, protecting with the provided wire-collar, accurate mark-in-outs and planting of the whole 10acres=N500,000

TOTAL= N20,150,000

Private or corporate organizations can also set up this project and lease it out to individuals or corporate bodies on maturity. It is a way of diversifying the economy and also to create jobs and income opportunities for Nigerians. It is also one of the strategies for food security in the country and also in line with the transformation agenda of the country.


A matured plantation will annually start producing “4 Tonnes” per Hectare of Red Palm oil from the fourth year after planting. 20 Metric Tonnes of Oil can be obtained annually from 4 Hectares(10 Acres) Plantation.

One Tonne of Red Palm Oil=1000 liters.
Therefore, 10 acres= 20,000 litters of oil annually.
The oil is being sold per gallons(25 litters) 20,000L/25litters=800 gallons.
Each gallons is sold within the range of 40–70k.
Therefore, N50,000 x 800gallons=N40,000,000
A Gross revenue of 40 million naira is obtained from Red Palm Oil.

We can also get 2.31 Metric Tonnes of Palm Kernel per Hectare annually.
This gives us 9.24 Tonnes from 10 acres.

This translates to annual income of N11,550,000 million.

Total income realizable is N51,550,000. While the annual operating expenses From the day of planting till the day of first harvest is put at N26 million.

This leaves us with a Net income of N25,550,000 million for you as the investor for the first year of production AND From the 4th year of production an annual NET INCOME OF N50 Million is expected after expenses for the next 40-57yrs

There are still other sources of income such as palm fronds and palm kernel shells.

Investors are to note that Green Hybrid Empire Ltd is so Affiliated with the buyers of the finished product of Red oil. The market is already eagerly waiting for you to bring in your finished goods regardless of how large the quantity is.
investors are fully welcome to be assisted in the realization of this worthwhile investment.

8 thoughts on “What it will cost you to setup an oil palm plantation.

  1. OTTUN says:


    1. Green Hybrid Empire says:

      The 15M for expenses covers it sir

  2. OTTUN says:


    1. Green Hybrid Empire says:

      Alright sir. Please give us a call via 08141156233 for further discussion.

  3. OTTUN says:

    MY NO 08059560593

  4. Raymond says:

    I have read different articles from your blog and it doesnt show that you are consistent. Information seem to be different on the different articles.
    Anyways, if 1 acre produces 1000 litres, 10 acres would produce 10,000 litres. How did you get the 20,000 litres used in your income calculations?

    1. Green Hybrid Empire says:

      The analysis is done with different species.

    2. Emmanuel Ogoh says:

      4 hectares=1 0acres=2 0MT of palm oil/annum
      1MT= 1000 litres

      That’s what was stated in the calculation. It never stated that 1acre= 1000 litres, rather 1 acre= 2000litres of palm oil.

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