
WHY: HOW : WHEN should you apply fertilizer on oil palm.

A well-planned fertilizer schedule is crucial for the healthy growth and productivity of oil palm trees. Below is an ideal fertilizer schedule for oil palm, broken down by the age of the trees, along with the types of fertilizers, quantities, and application periods.

Fertilizer Schedule for Oil Palm

1. Year 0-1 (Nursery Stage)

At this stage, the seedlings are in the nursery and require specific nutrients to develop a strong root system and healthy growth.

  • Type of Fertilizer:NPK 20:10:10
  • Application:
  • Apply 10-15 grams of 20:10:10 fertilizer per seedling once a month.
  • Use foliar fertilizers like Urea or DAP (Diammonium phosphate) as supplementary feeding.
  • Why: To encourage balanced growth in terms of root and shoot development.
  • When: Apply monthly, starting from the 2nd month of nursery establishment.

2. Year 1-3 (Young Palms in the Field)

Transplanted oil palm seedlings need help establishing themselves in the field. Fertilization at this stage is critical for root development and canopy formation.

  • Type of Fertilizers:
  • NPK (20:10:10) or NPK (12:12:17)** (Balanced growth).
  • Urea or Ammonium Sulfate (for nitrogen boost).
  • Muriate of Potash (MOP) (for potassium, especially important for fruit development).
  • Rock Phosphate or Single Super Phosphate (SSP) (for phosphorus, necessary for root development).
  • Application:
  • Apply 150-250 grams of NPK per plant, split into 2 applications per year.
  • Apply 150 grams of MOP and 50-100 grams of Rock Phosphate per plant annually.
  • Why: Encourages the palm to grow a strong trunk and leaf canopy, which is essential for future yields.
  • When:
  • Apply in early rainy season (April/May) and again in the late rainy season (September/October) for maximum absorption.

3. Year 4-6 (Juvenile Palms)

The palms will start to flower and fruit, requiring more nutrients to support this transition from vegetative growth to productive growth.

  • Type of Fertilizers:
  • NPK (12:12:17) + Magnesium (Mg).
  • NPK (15:15:15)
  • MOP (Muriate of Potash).
  • Rock Phosphate.
  • Magnesium sulfate (for magnesium to aid in oil production).
  • Application:
  • Apply 500 grams of NPK (12:12:17) + Mg or (15:15:15) per palm, divided into 2 doses per year.
  • Apply 300 grams of MOP and 150 grams of Rock Phosphate annually.
  • Apply 100 grams of Magnesium sulfate once a year to promote oil formation.
  • Why: The palms are entering their productive phase, and adequate nutrient supply is critical to support flower and fruit development.
  • When: Apply twice a year, once in the early rainy season and once in the late rainy season.

4. Year 7 Onwards (Mature Palms)

At this stage, the trees are at their peak fruiting capacity, and fertilization is essential to maintain high yields and overall tree health.

  • Type of Fertilizers:
  • NPK (12:12:17) + Mg.
  • NPK(15:15:15)
  • MOP.
  • Magnesium sulfate.
  • Boron (to prevent Boron deficiency, which can reduce yield).
  • Dolomite lime (to correct soil pH and supply calcium and magnesium).
  • Application:
  • Apply 750 grams of NPK (12:12:17) + Mg per tree, split into 2 doses per year.
  • Apply 400-500 grams of MOP per tree annually.
  • Apply 150-200 grams of Magnesium sulfate and 50 grams of Boron per tree annually.
  • Use Dolomite lime every 2-3 years to correct pH and add essential minerals.
  • Why: Mature palms produce the most fruit, and adequate nutrients ensure continuous high yield. Potassium is especially important to support oil production in the fruits.
  • When: Fertilize twice a year in the early rainy season and the late rainy season. Magnesium and Boron should be applied once a year.

Additional Tips

  • Soil Testing: Conduct soil tests at least every 2-3 years to determine the exact nutrient deficiencies and adjust your fertilization plan accordingly.
  • Foliar Feeding: In addition to soil-applied fertilizers, foliar feeding (applying fertilizers directly to the leaves) can be used during critical growth phases to correct specific deficiencies like zinc or boron.
  • Water Management: Ensure proper irrigation during the dry season to prevent water stress, which can reduce fertilizer absorption.

Summary Fertilizer Application Schedule

Plant AgeFertilizer TypeQuantity/Tree (Annually)When to Apply
Year 0-1 (Nursery)Urea10-15 g per seedlingMonthly
Year 1-3 (Young Palms)NPK (20:10:10), MOP, Rock Phosphate150-250 g NPK, 150 g MOP, 50-100 g RPEarly and late rainy season
Year 4-6 (Juvenile Palms)NPK (12:12:17),
(15:15:15), MOP, Magnesium sulfate
500 g NPK, 300 g MOP, 100 g MgTwice per year
Year 7+ (Mature Palms)NPK (12:12:17),
(15:15:15), MOP, Boron, Magnesium sulfate
750 g NPK, 400-500 g MOP, 150-200 g Mg, 50 g BoronTwice per year (NPK/MOP), once per year (Mg/Boron)

This schedule ensures that your oil palms receive the nutrients they need at each stage of growth, leading to high productivity and strong, healthy trees.

contact us via WhatsApp for guidance 08141156233

6 thoughts on “WHY: HOW : WHEN should you apply fertilizer on oil palm.

  1. Nwaigbudu chidiadi Goodrich says:

    As an engineer,who has experience in oil Palm machineries. I want to work with your company to provide services in the oil palm sector, especially in the southeast region.

    1. Green Hybrid Empire says:

      Please reach out to us on WhatsApp via 08141156233


    I learn more from you

  3. friday onoja says:

    Good day sir/ma, I have an oil Palms of over one year old now, and I have applied NPK 15:15:15 already, what shall I do? I can’t afford to complicate it.

    1. Green Hybrid Empire says:

      Switch to NPK 20:10:10

  4. Dare Fadele says:

    Good. But I discovered the followings:
    Your explanation is not clear enough to a lane Man.
    You should have indicate the measurements also in a lane Man language such as spoon or bear cover etc.
    You should also have indicate the distance to the bottom of the Palm three.
    Also you should have explained either to use one fertilizer or add others at the same time.

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